Humus Terra Logo

Humus Terra

Various cloth bags filled with seeds, arranged in different patterns and colors.

Fair of local producers and craftsmen - Kispetri, village Almás

457016 Petrinzel, Curtea casei de cultură

Local producers and crafts fair

- Apple village -

Once again with local delicacies, beautiful handicrafts and a good atmosphere.

Special programme:

Traditional peasant seed exchange

Mindenki hozhat a saját kertjéből fogott magokat (paradicsom,
(tomatoes, peppers, beans, onions, radishes, spinach, cucumbers, parsley, lettuce, herbs, flowers, etc.)
The more years the seeds have been in the gardens of the municipality of Almás, the better they have adapted to the local conditions, the more
they are healthier. Ideally, we inherited them from our grandmothers. During the fair we will exchange seeds and experiences.

We will promote organic farming, biodiversity
recyclable packaging, regional consumption, and
healthy eating, social economy, people and
respect for people and nature.

All are welcome!

Andrea Tasnadi


strada Principală nr. 98

457016 Petrinzel

0040 742 442