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Humus Terra

Branches and a pair of secateurs arranged on snow, with the secateurs having red handles.

Finishing workshop

457016 Petrinzel, Curtea casei de cultură

Admission:150 ron

Registration deadline:

During the workshop we will learn how to graft together with Wilhelm Tartler (Hamba village, Sibiu county). At the end of the day, you will be able to take home your own grafted trees to plant in your garden. We will have rootstocks and scions of traditional Transylvanian varieties available. Participants will have the opportunity to bring their own scions of their favorite varieties.

Program: 10:00-12:00 Theory

Basic criteria for grafting

Why / with what / on what / when / how do we graft?


Grafting methods

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

We provide a delicious meal made from regional, seasonal ingredients.

13:00-16:00 Practice

Presentation of the materials

Grafting exercises

Andrea Tasnadi


strada Principală nr. 98

457016 Petrinzel

0040 742 442


Registration deadline: 15.02.2024

Registrations can be made by telephone between 10:00 and 12:00 at 0742442767 (Andrea Tasnadi) or by e-mail:


Recommended donation: 150 RON, to be paid when registering for the workshop.


Please bring with you: Secateurs, grafting knife with a straight blade.


The workshop will be held in Romanian.
